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Camp Sherwood 2

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Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

finally some actual sex, even if it is only a dream

Ichiban Kasuga's picture
Joined: 25/08/2021


Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Fuck off ad

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I'm just thinking I hope by the end we get a lesbian sex seen with Trixie and Timmantha

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

All tuxes should have matching ballcaps 

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

If Mister D. dies, we need to get Brandon Sanderson to finish this.

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I love that in tooties dream she gets tall and stacked but Timmy is still a short king.

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Artstyle is quite beautiful, sad its porn.

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

This is starting to get really good 10/10 for the story

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Wow. It only took this guy like 10 years or so to finally start releasing chapters on a steady weekly basis. Lets see how long that lasts before the next big hiatus. 

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

The artist does not owe you anything, so don't act like they do

Mister Greenfeld's picture
Joined: 26/04/2023

He doesn't owe the artist anything either. Including freedom from criticism.

NightTillDeath's picture
Joined: 09/02/2022

since when is impatience considered legit criticism of his art? Call me a loon, but something tells me this has more to do with the guys IMPATIENCE than actual criticism of the story, its art or structure.

Mister Greenfeld's picture
Joined: 26/04/2023

Lengthy delays between updates is definitely legit criticism for an ongoing story. Who are you, George RR Martin?

NightTillDeath's picture
Joined: 09/02/2022

Listen here Vicky Kumar, nobody wants to satisfy your demands for off the shelf convery belt crap that you dig up from Wattpad. Take your impatient looking ass back to Palcomix and jerk your microdick there till the cows come home. Some authors genuinely take time and effort into their craft and can't be constantly working on the same project non stop like you demand. Maybe if your low IQ level ass learned what a Creative Burnout is, maybe then you wouldn't be bitching and let the author do his thing.

Mister Greenfeld's picture
Joined: 26/04/2023


NightTillDeath's picture
Joined: 09/02/2022


Mister Greenfeld's picture
Joined: 26/04/2023


Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Fuck the hell off this is not "VICTIM BLAMING" this is you just being an ass this shit is good and if it was made faster it might not be the same for some things that's ok but this is art and art takes time so let Mr.D fucking cook

Mister Greenfeld's picture
Joined: 26/04/2023

For fucks sake, get off Mister D.'s dick about this aggressively mid porn comic. It's not like he's a living legend like Area or Incog or Highware or Mangamaster.

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

If Area is a living legend, then so is Mister D. 

Not so hot take: Camp Sherwood is better than Sultry Summer, Chain Reaction and anything else Incog has put out, especially in the writing department.

Mister Greenfeld's picture
Joined: 26/04/2023

Incog's writing is better and he's way more productive, too.

Én comics's picture
Joined: 18/01/2024

oh no!

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

It better last till the comic is over and June & Ray Ray make love

HELIX Medic's picture
Joined: 17/11/2023

Not even greenfeld would like this.

Mister Greenfeld's picture
Joined: 26/04/2023

I don't know why you keep bringing me up, but yeah, as porn comics go this is pretty mid.

HELIX Medic's picture
Joined: 17/11/2023

I went through my greenfeld phase. Anytime i see a horrible comic I remember you.

Mister Greenfeld's picture
Joined: 26/04/2023


Anonymous (not verified)
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JustAHorneyGuy1's picture
Joined: 25/10/2023

So I'm coming back to multporn soon (I was taking a break) and at some point I realized what my next challenge could be: conditioning light colour to porn. Hear me out: I've been meaning to get LEDs anyways (I was going to buy them sometime this week) and I could use those! Or I could hold some kind of fidget toy or something in my right hand (I'm lefty) while I jerk off. Any ideas??
