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Quarian Quarry

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Mischievous Scout's picture
Joined: 18/03/2024

Why are there 14 pages of this? There don't need to be that much!

FIYO's picture
Joined: 13/12/2023

the one of greats tag is dead. i would suggest putting it in the hall of fame, but that is fucking ruined as well. anons should not be able to vote for tags. whatsoever

TheLoreGuy's picture
Joined: 21/04/2023

I feel like that would just lead to a bunch of one-off accounts (more than there already are) existing only to vote on tags.

FIYO's picture
Joined: 13/12/2023

maybe, but i feel like most people woudnt care, since people are either here to beat it rq or read comments

Lego Batman Gaming's picture
Joined: 13/03/2024

Honestly this one is mid asf

Én comics's picture
Joined: 18/01/2024

Cái tag buồn cười.

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

the art is good, but this does not deserve to be "one of the greats"

also rape bad.

Ichiban Kasuga's picture
Joined: 25/08/2021

This is not good to be apart of "One of the greats"

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Mischievous Scout's picture
Joined: 18/03/2024

The God's one question, how is this considered, "one of the greats"? Don't get us wrong, it's good, but why?

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Yes yes yes continue soon 

The Universe's picture
Joined: 17/12/2019


Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I wish all fans of rape could be victim of one

Maybe then they realise how bad this thing is

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I was raped and I like rape lol

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture


Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Comics and porn are a safe way to explore a potentially dangerous fetish. Think about it, if a person had no other way of exploring than doing it in real life, would that have been better? The best case scenario in which you have a consensual deal to get ambushed in a random day by a knowing participant (I know of it, I looked into it), is either very rare or expensive. So this is the next best thing

From a woman to another (im assuming you're a woman), I know it awakes a primordial anxiety to see these kinds of scenes as is, but I hope you understand their use.

Plaguebearer's picture
Joined: 30/05/2023

They aren't particularly safe if someone were to be sucked into that cycle of pornographic addiction, begin fantasizing about this kind of content, masturbating to it, and then moving on to real people. There needs to be better ways to manage this such as education on the subject, not a lack of restrictions and boundaries.

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Dumbass no one actually got raped here it's a fucking comment

And more women like hardcore cnc compared to men so I have no idea what point your even trying to make 

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Lol, who's dumbass here? Depiction of rape is still rape. You know, there such thing as EMPATHY

I find it pretty hypocritic to like quarians while enjoying depiction of raping them. Only dumbass here is you

Waffle69's picture
Joined: 05/09/2022

Did you genuinely just suggest that fictional rape is equally as bad as actual rape...? Way to underplay real sexual assault and trauma by comparing it to drawn pictures 

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I suggest that fictional rape normalize real rape. Sooner or later these weirdos decide to rape real woman OR they would ignore woman who can be at risk of being raped.

Waffle69's picture
Joined: 05/09/2022

Like how video games cause violence? That's a common misconception. If someone forces themselves on someone, it's not going to be because they saw it in porn. You can do some research if you want 

Plaguebearer's picture
Joined: 30/05/2023

"You can do some research if you want", there has been research done into it that this can and fucking will contribute to this kind of behaviour. It is the reason why we get people from 4chan who watch violent content and get so desensitized and disconnected from reality that they go outside and commit violent acts, it is a prime contributor to incel communities and the way they view women, etc. If you want to check my sources, research the topic and don't spew something that the other million or so degenerates have mumbled to themselves to justify what they watch.

Plaguebearer's picture
Joined: 30/05/2023

You are conflating fictional rape with the idea that videogames cause violence, which are not related in the slightest. One dictates what you may or may not be attracted to and/or masturbating to, the other is playing a character inside a virtual setting; only someone deluded enough, desensitized and chronically addicted to pornography would try to make such an assumption. To your point of "If someone forces themselves on someone, it's not going to be because they saw it in porn. 

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

Yes, real sexual assault is worse but it's still bad either way

Plaguebearer's picture
Joined: 30/05/2023

It doesn't matter if people say "oh she's 300" or "it's fictional stop crying", they are still imagining and fantasizing about what they are watching, they are attracted to that idea which is why they clicked onto it in the first place. It doesn't matter what the excuse is, you are still thinking of a young one being in that situation. You are still thinking of SA and enjoying that fact.

Plaguebearer's picture
Joined: 30/05/2023

It is worse, but this kind of content (while still freedom of speech and expression) does contribute to that vile act. Freedom of speech doesn't come without freedom of criticism, nor can it escape from the consequences of a person's actions and words, and it is both short-sighted and foolish to completely rule out the idea that "fictional SA contributes to actual SA" based on something that the majority of brain-rotted pornography addicts try to justify themselves with. 

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I wish it could have happened to you slut

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

I'm scared to know you really exist.

Anonymous (not verified)
Anonymous's picture

BDSM fans would argue with that. 
